mercredi 11 juillet 2012

Infinity Dongle PS3 USB Emballage Game-tune

Infinity Dongle PS3 USB Emballage Game-tune

Dongle Infinity USB

Infinity Dongle PS3 USB Emballage Game-tune :

Selon un Utilisateur qui a apporté des nouvelle sur le nouveau Dongle Infinity USB,"nous avons une photo de velui-ci mais d'info à ce sujet
To quote:
Well, we got this picture from our hacking stuff supplier this morning; but it just the beta packaging with transparent white. It was said that the user cheat function will be added finally. their official site will update the new information in the following days.
Well i search for the image for some trails and found this:
1) Ready/Report/Power on the case (Report?!?!)
2) Seems that image is edited (or it’s fake) since the brand of the chips cannot be seen (two of them wow!)
3) Anyone with more knowledge than me about the Actel/Actmel/etc will notice which kind of Microcontrollers they are using. Dongle PS3 USB Emballage Game-tune

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