lundi 19 septembre 2011

Limbo PS3-CFW 3.55

Limbo is a black and white puzzle-platforming adventure that puts players in the role of a young boy traveling through a hostile world in an attempt to discover the fate of his sister.

How to install:
1) Install limbo_demo.pkg
2) Copy folder LIMBO to your GAMES folder
3) Run Multiman and select Limbo game
4) Start Limbo from */app_home/PS3_GAME/ option. Do not start limbo from XMB Link created when you installed demo.pkg, because this is the demo, of course. (Go to XMB / Game */app_home/PS3_GAME/ and press X above *Install Package Files)
5) Enjoy Full Game

Note: Do not start limbo from the XMB Link created when you installed demo.pkg, because this starts only the demo.

It works on 3.55 and it's tested with Kmeaw and multiMAN1.15, to the end of game. Its just easy. When you have Limbo mounted with multiMAN, just start it with XMB option */app_home/PS3_GAME/

That's all

Alternate Limbo PS3 CFW Fix guide by boob4me:

1- install.pkg on PS3 in download package folder (usb)
2- ftp/copy limbo folder in the downloaded package to GAMES
folder in multiman
3- start game from APP/PS3 icon in xmb


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